Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rediscovering awesome

I love rediscovering things that were awesome and trying to figure out why I ever put them down. For instance, I picked up "Kill Shakespeare" again last night and started reading where I left off. This comic book is so good! I just don't have the words to express how much I enjoy this story. Granted, if I were a little more well versed in the works of Shakespeare it would probably do a whole lot more for my reading experience. But I am still having a blast reading it, despite that the only things I know about Shakespeare's plays is what I learned in high school.

I am so loving how the story is unfolding. How the characters are interacting with each other, who is loyal to who, who is stabbing someone else in the back, it is just the greatest adventure. I am so glad that I picked it up. And seeing how my life is so busy that I don't get a chance to do a lot of reading, Kill Shakespeare fits right into my schedule.

Something else that I rediscovered...the old episodes of Webcomics Weekly. I went back to episode 45 (the first episode on Libsyn) and died laughing. Literally had the tears in my eyes and couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. Sure I had it before, but it was still hilarious and I enjoyed just as much as I did when I first heard it. Plus, it is kinda weird in a nostalgic type of way to hear those guys talk about technology from three years ago. Sort of boggles the mind to see how far certain things have progressed in such a short time.

Now to complete the trifecta, I have to find an old cd or something that I could not live without that I have set aside. Hehe.

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