Saturday, February 18, 2012

Daily Write - Hands Off

I was patted on the head. Like a pet who had successfully performed a trick for the amusement of their master. This hand belonged to an awkward man. Gawky in all ways imaginable, right down to his twisted front tooth and stiff legged limp. Even his attempts at levity are laden with uncoordinated blundering. I am not quite sure what gave him the notion that he could put his hands on me in such a manner. His arm moved as if even he was having debate as whether his hand should have been any where near me or my head.

I did not like it. I never like it when he touches me with those faux gestures of friendship and warmth which only turn out to be demeaning shows of his arrogance and telling of his social awkwardness. I would rather he simply ignore my existence. There is no need for him to put on this show of forced amiability. No one believes that we get along, least of all the one who he has decided to put his hands on.

1 comment:

  1. Strong and interesting write desy. I like how powerful the emotion of displeasure coming from her, and how well you capture it in the two paragraphs. I should try digging out my old short writes and show them to you ^_^
