Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Am Number Four

So, I just saw this movie last night. It was a toss up between this and "Unknown" (which I hope to see very soon). Going into it, I was a little worried about it was going to turn out. It had potential to be very very bad. The only actors I recognized were Timothy Olyphant and the guy from lost who shot Ben's daughter. Oh yeah, and he played The Blob on the Wolverine movie.

There was the high school stereotypes that were thrown in there and I personally could have done without it. However, I have no idea if that was in the book or not. If it was, then I can't really blame the movie for that. Those played out rather predictably, but it wasn't enough to spoil the movie for me. I suppose it gave a little bit of a Smallville vibe, in that here is this powerful alien who has to act human. He is powerful, but has to allow himself to be bullied around because he can't use his powers.

I couldn't help but ask questions about stuff that was totally irrelevant to the story. Such as, how much money was paid in order to see the AT&T logo on John's iPhone? (my brain just works like that) Or how come John doesn't have some sort of weapon by the time all the fighting went down? Only so much you can do with glowing hands.

I did find myself getting a little impatient about how long it was taking to get to the fight with John and the people hunting him down. But that fight was definitely worth the wait. Michael Bay, if you are reading this, I <3 U. Oh that fight was great.

So now I want to go and read the book and see all the things that movie left out. All in all, I liked the movie (though it seems many critics didn't) blonde haired protagonist and all.

Can't give up now

I suppose this blog is going to sound a bit more inspirational than most. Right off the top I will say, medical school is hard. Of course anyone who expected it not to be isn't in their right mind. However, I never expected it to be this hard. Not hard as in work load, but hard as in taxing mentally and emotionally. If I could collect all the tears shed by medical students in just the first year alone,  I could probably make a new ocean. But that is beside the point.

The point I am trying to make is that no matter how tired, how drained, how upset or hurt I become, I keep going. Sleepless nights, days where I thought I couldn't do it, points where I felt like I wanted to give it up and throw in the towel, I kept moving forward. Why? Why keep going? Because, this is my calling. This is how I can pay it forward. This is how God will use me in order to help others. I keep going because I can do nothing but this.

One of my classmates told me something powerful when I started talking about how tired I was and how I did not feel like doing this ish any more. His response was "You can't quit. There are people out there who don't know you that are waiting for you to finish and change their lives."

That hit me like a ton of bricks. What is this next to what I am going to do? So I keep my nose to the grindstone, because out there somewhere, someone is depending on me to finish.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Crazy nuts of House Silvacce (WoW stuffs)

So I got into the guild that I had applied to and that very next day they were running a guild rp event. I figured, what the heck. Might as well join in and show my face to my new guildies and see how things were done in this guild. Let's just say these guys blew my socks off and turned my world upside down.

Now this is not the first rp guild that I have been in and is certainly not the first roleplay event that I have attended. But these guys flipped the script on it's ear. Now, I know that I probably have a little bit of bias, but I am not going to tone down how I felt through out this entire thing.

First off, the event was run like a D&D game. Something happened and the entire group was clueless as to what was going on. We had to look and such and hunt for things. Whoever was in the right spot found the correct clue. When danger struck, you had to roll to see how bad you got it. And there were times when high numbers were great and low numbers were bad. Other times, it was just the opposite. 

And the story is being told in parts. Right now, a good part of House Silvacce has been locked up in an underground dungeon for a week waiting for death or someone to rescue them. So a time is picked where everyone can play out the story and during the week, people can get together and do non-story progressing rp. So far it has been really fun. I think the story is going to wrap up this weekend.

So what type of character am I playing? Not sure yet. She will probably be young, inexperienced, and pretty wet behind the ears. But as far as personality, goals for her life, likes and dislikes, I have not the foggiest idea yet. I figure that it will come together the more I play her. At least I hope it will.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Looking for Guild?

So after playing around on my hunter and getting a feel of my new server, I decided it was time to scope out the roleplaying scene and see how it was. Right off the bat, I could see a difference from my old server in the fact that player coalesce in the city. There are definite hubs were more players are than others, but still, it is not odd to run into pockets of roleplayers through out the city, any time of night. (Don't know about days, because I am not on)

And it seems like everyone has the MyRolePlay addon, which is neat, because most rpers on my old server didn't. Even though I have been rping on WoW for a while now, I still get nervous when I make new contacts. I'm not sure what to say. I am not sure how to strike up a conversation that is not boring, but at the same time is not overly dramatic. And I don't want people thinking that I'm a noob just because my toon is at a low level. So, I haven't really been doing much rping, so much as running around rpers and eavesdropping on conversations.

Well, I found a guild struck me as very interesting. I did some research on them and decided if I was ever going to join a guild, this would be the one that I wanted to be a part of. So I talked to an officer and then submitted an application (which is new for me, since most just add you on the spot). Now, I sit and wait. Part of me is super nervous that they will tell me no, since I don't have my character's story solidly hammered out. Or that my character is not a good fit for their guild. Or they will think I'm a noob. I haven't been contacted yet. I am thinking about whispering an officer when I get on the game again.

I actually rped with someone last night. It was a random occurrence. I was questing, some mage ran past me with an elite on his tail. I decided to shoot some arrows at it in order for it to go down after. Once the elite died, the guy bowed to me, I bowed back and then the exchange started. I had a lot of fun with him and decided to put him on my friends list. (Yay, first friend!) It seemed like he enjoyed himself as well.

I do have a person that I know from my old server on this server (one of the reasons I choose it), but I don't want to use him as my crutch. I want to make my own rp circle on my own first. I was able to make a name for myself before when I played my priest. I want to be able to do that again. What I would love more than anything is to become on of those legendary people that folks talk about on the forums. *sigh* A girl can dream, right?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Muse, don't fail me now.

It never fails. Any time I dive into academics with any type of fervor, my creative side just shrivels up and dies on me. I couldn't write a story right now if a gun was placed to my head. It is like I can only due one thing really well at a time. I can either write or I can pour copious amounts of information into my brain. I am not allowed to have both.

Of course the timing for this is poor, seeing how I cutting out extraneous things in my life in order to get more writing and editing done. But now writing just causes frustration, because I can't come up with anything good.

I heard from a friend that the way she improves her writing is by drawing. And other trick that another friend used was reading books. Maybe I will have to do that before I can get my writing mojo back.Nothing feels worse than wanting to create, but you feel like you have tapped everything you have and there is nothing left in your mind.

I need to make a list of writing projects and tackle them in order. Just writing a little bit on everything is not getting anything finished. I want to have something finished. Of course that means the painful job of editing. But it has to be done.

Hopefully my creative side comes back soon. Until it does, I guess I will have more time to finish my leisure reading.

Friday, February 4, 2011

More WoW talk!!

So you would think that by now, I would at least have one character up to 85. But, no. I don't. I could blame the fact that I have little time to play video games right now. But that's not entirely true. The truth is I got tired of my mage and wanted to play something different. 

Unlike some, I did not have a long line of 80s to choose from in order level. I had a 80 mage and a 76 priest. Both of which I have had for a while. (I level very slowly). I got my mage to 83 and realized several things.

1. My server felt very empty. Most of the people that I used to play with aren't around and if they are, I haven't bumped into them. (That's kinda what happens when you take a year break from the game). So my game play didn't feel as fun, because there wasn't anyone to socialize with.

2. I'm a little tired of being a caster. I have had caster classes as my main ever since I started playing the game back in..'06? Somewhere around there. So while my mage is awesome, I wanted to do something different.

3. I am ready to make the move from Alliance to Horde. I have been an Alliance girl ever since I started the game. I am ready to change factions and see what the other side has to offer.

So, in a very rash move, I made several alts. A troll shaman, a blood elf hunter, and a undead warrior. They are all around level 9-11. However, I do believe the hunter is going to pull out ahead and be my next main. And for a few reasons. So far, I like the server I am on. I probably need to roam around it some more and get a better feel for it, but so far, I like it. I like having an animal companion. Though I am turning in that dragonhawk the moment I find something else that I like better. I am concerned though, because I hear a lot of people complaining about the way hunters play and I really don't want to be one of those huntards. Guess that means I need to go and learn about my new class.

I am still wandering about guildless, but that is of my own design. I don't want to join a guild and then not be around to be much of any use. I feel like that would be unfair to the guild who let me in. I hoping to be around the game more, even if it is just a 2 hour stint once a week or something. But until then, it will just be me and my hunter, running around, looking for random RP to jump into.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More writing stuff.

My writing dialogue has gotten better since I started writing scripts. However, I am not sure if my script writing is decent or not. I should look at some sample scripts to see how it is done and then go from there. However, I really haven't had that much time on my hands. Something else to put on the to do list, I suppose. I am not even sure where to go to learn how to write a better script.

Another thing I am working on is character design. My sister is being really awesome and has decided that she wants to do some character sketches for me. However, I really don't know what type of look I am going for with any of the characters she wants to draw for me. It is like I have an image of them in my head, I just don't know how to convey that image to another person.

It is an odd process that I have in order to come up with how I want a character to look. First, I have to have their personality in mind. Like blonde or brunette decides a personality, but that is my process. And the only way to figure out a character's personality is to stick them in a situation and see how they react to it. So in order to tell my sister if they have facial hair or not, I have to make up mini stories for everyone. I know there has to be a better way to do this, but I have yet to figure out what it is.

I have been pretty busy since the holiday ended and things really ramped up around mid-January. I think I am going to take the morning off tomorrow and write some, then get back on the grind in the afternoon. Maybe I can finish out these character descriptions and have them sent off to my sister.

I have way too many writing projects going on right now. I need to find a way to pare them down. I feel like I never finish anything. (Aside from my comic review articles that have due dates). It makes me a little flustered that I have so many things going, good things, great ideas, just nothing ever gets done. And I can't seem to put them in any sort of priority. I want to do them all. And on top of that, writing is a hobby. My actual work demands just about all of my attention. And time management was never my strong suit.

Well, one thing at a time I suppose. Right now, I am going to go to bed, sleep in and then  get some writing done.