Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oiling up the noveling machine

It is one month until NaNoWriMo starts. I am really excited this year. More excited that I have ever been. And that is probably because I wasn't able to participate last year. Also, I know several new people who are going to be jumping in this year, and my excitement for them adds to the excitement that I was already feeling for myself.  There is something about seeing fresh faces ready to go and hammer out those 50k words.

This year, I have decided that I want to something a little more on the romantic side. I have been wanting to write a romantic story for a while, so why not use this as my jumping off point? I have been brainstorming some ideas of what this story is going to be about and after tossing around a few ideas, I finally settled on something. I am most likely going to be going back to my comfort zone of a medieval/fantasy setting. I haven't figured out just how much fantasy the story is going to have. Right now, the story is just this grey formless idea that is hanging around in my brain. I have been trying to figure things out and jot down ideas to make it into something more tangible. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will have something more solid by the time November 1st comes around. If not, I'm going to be making it up as I go along.

One of the things I want is for the story to be more of a drama rather than some sap story where everyone is staring starry eyed at one another. I find dramas to be engaging and easy to immerse yourself in. Sappy stories I find..well, I can't say that I like them very much. I don't really relate all that well. I also am not interested in something that reads like a soap opera. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with soap operas, but that is not what I want this story to be.

Part of me is a bit apprehensive about doing this. While it is not that far out of my comfort zone, it is something different. And different always makes me a bit anxious. But it is a good anxious. I have been writing a bit on something else starting back in August, so my writing gears won't be entirely rusty. I was hoping to be done with that piece before November. It could still get done, but I don't see that as being likely. And once November comes, there will be no writing much of anything else.

Also, I am hoping to blog (and maybe vlog if I'm feeling ambitious) about this whole process again. Maybe I will keep up better than I did the last time.

So, back to planning. November seems like it is going to come way too fast.

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