Monday, February 25, 2013

So, I went indoor rock wall climbing...

So this past weekend I did something I never thought I would ever do. I went indoor rock wall climbing. I wish I could say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I honestly want to say that. However, I wouldn't exactly use those words. When the idea was first presented, I thought it would be a fun thing to do. It was definitely out of my comfort zone and probably something that I wouldn't be asked to do again for some time. So I thought to myself "why not? Sounds like fun. Let's be adventurous."

Well, the closer it got to the actual day, the less like fun it sounded. In fact, the night before, I had already settled in my mind that I wasn't going to show up. What could I possibly have been thinking? I'm not Spiderman. What the devil was I thinking about, going off and trying to scale walls. Bump that. I am staying home, on the ground, where it is safe. But after talking to my family, they convinced me to go and at least try it. And then call them afterwards.

So, my mounting concern was not helped at all by the fact that I got lost and was late getting to the place. And then when I finally got there, the guy who "taught" me how to put on my harness inspired next to no confidence whatsoever. I wasn't entirely sure that he wasn't high. And went over all the straps and buckles so quickly, I wondered if he understood that I didn't know what I was doing and this series of straps around my body was the difference in me driving myself home versus leaving pieces of myself on their gravel. 

So when it was finally time for me to climb this wall, I was a little more than a bit nervous. I wish I could tell you that I put my mind to it and scaled that wall with no problems. Or that I made it to the top with a little coaxing from my friends at the bottom. Nope, that is not what happened. I was about two steps away from the top and freaked out. I mean, panic addled mind freak out. The only thing I could think about was getting down before I fell and broke something. I don't know how to explain it. Everything was going fine and then suddenly...everything was not fine. And your brain is screaming that at you. The hand holds are suddenly smaller and shallower. You aren't exactly sure where to put your feet. And then a voice in the back of your mind goes "Nope, we're done here."

I hate not finishing what I start. And I had determined that before the day was over, I was going to scale to the top of something. Unfortunately, each attempt I had came to the same ending where I freaked out before reaching the top. I tried to tell myself that it was mind over matter thing and that I was fine. But my body responded with my heart pounding in my chest as if it was signalling in morse code "We are not fine!".

At the end of the day, I'm glad I went. This is definitely something that I am proud of myself for doing. Can't say that I'm rushing back to try it again though. Ya'll can keep that. Also, there is video of this whole ordeal. And against my better judgment, I will be putting it out there soon enough for all to see.

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