Woohoo! This weekend, I finally got my hunter level enough to get to Northrend. This actually happened a lot quicker than I expected. First because you can get to Northrend by level 68, so no reason to tough it out to level 70. Second, I belong to a guild that has the guild perk where you get extra xp while killing. (Maybe questing too, but I'm not 100% sure about that).
There was a lot (and I do mean a lot) that I skipped over in Outland. Spent most of my time in Zangarmash and Nagrand. Didn't set foot in Netherstorm, Blade's Edge, or Shadowmoon. I would have skipped Terrokar Forest as well, but I figured that I had to something out there since I was running around Shattrath.
I remember the first couple of 70s that I made, how important it was to be Scryer or Aldor and all those dailies that had to be done. Now...meh. Don't really care. This hunter isn't going to be exalted with much of anyone down there. It feels so weird not to even be friendly with the Lower City. But when I dinged 68, I dropped all the quests and hopped the first zeppelin out to Howling Fjord.
What will I be going back to do? Well, I will be doing the daily fishing quests, just because it would be cool to get the pets. Plus, I found the fishing hooks to be quite handy. (Remember when hoarding fishing hooks was the thing to do?) And I might do that daily in order to get the drake mount. Why? Just because none of my mains ever got to have one and dang it, I want it.
Only did one run through Underbog and Slave Pens, and that just because one of my guild members were being super nice. I don't miss the fact that I didn't do any dungeons, I just remember having to run these all the time. Probably because I was a raider back then. Now I don't touch a dungeon with a 10 foot pole. Of course that makes a bit sad, because that means I will never see any of the dungeons in Northrend, and I kind want to see everything at least once.
After level capping, I might go ahead and do some of the things that I have skipped over. Right now, it is just about getting to level 85.
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