"I told you to stay away from him,” Valara screeched, an accusatory finger outstretched towards the woman standing in front of her, “I told you that he was mine and that he would always be mine."
The loud clattering of the busy town road did nothing to dampen the fierceness that gathered in Valara’s voice. Each moment it only built more as she saw those two in front of her, together.
"I am no one's thing that can be claimed!” Damion shouted, “Do not place blame on someone else for what you were not able to do. I am not yours, nor will I ever be again!"
She ignored him. She kept her eyes on the smaller figure standing in front of him. She gritted her teeth, feeling her frustration mounting even more. She had called that woman, friend. She had taken care of her, let this woman stay in her home. Now this betrayal. Valarra would not stand for it.
“I warned you, Gemina. I warned the moment we met. You stab me in the back like this. Look at me when I am talking to you.”
However, the dark haired Gemina would not look up. She stood against Damion with her eyes firmly planted on the dirt road beneath her feet. Angered, Valarra automatically reached for her sword and unsheathed it with a single movement.
“Are you insane?!” Damion yelled, “Put your weapon away!”
His words were cut short by Gemina moving forward. Her hair hung down over face, which continued angled towards the ground, even as she moved. Her hands were clenched into fists at her side.
“As your friend, I stood by and watched you with him,”
Her voice was barely audible over the ambient noise of their surroundings, shaking as it reached the ears of those who were listening. Gemina continued.
“I watched you yell. I watched you fight. I watched you accuse.”
She took another step closer.
“I watched as he chased after you. And all you did was keep running away. You always expected him to be right behind you. And now you are angry that he got tired and has given up on the thought of ever trying to please you.”
Again, she took another shuffling step forward. Her hair swayed slightly with each step. Her grip tightened, knuckles beginning to bleach in color at her side. Her voice continued to tremble as she spoke.
“You were wretched. You were impossible. You were selfish, loathsome, and downright parasitic. And as your friend, I said nothing. Then he left you and came to me.”
With her final step, the tip of the blade pressed up against Gemina’s abdomen. Valarra blinked as Gemina stood in front of her, eyes still downcast toward the ground.
“You want to blame everyone for what you have done to yourself. The rest of the world was to bend to your will, for no other reason than your selfish wants. And now this, you threatening me with your weapon. I was scared of this moment. Of what you would do when you found out. But now…”
Gemina’s head snapped up in a swift jerk. It wasn’t fear that was burning in her eyes, but anger. A white hot anger.
“What are you waiting for?!” Gemina shouted, “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? Run me through! Take your sword and end this! Take what you believe to be yours!”
Valarra stared dumbfounded. She hadn’t expected this outcome at all. She had expected Gemina to back down, to slink away. Valarra had always been stronger, louder, and more belligerent. She felt pressure on her blade increase as Gemina leaned against it.
“Well?! Get on with it then! You pulled out your sword! Use it! Or are you nothing but words?”
Gemina’s eyes locked onto Valarra’s. For that second, the rest of the world melted away and it was just two of them. No ambient noise, no dirt roads, no Damion. And once, just this once, Gemina had the upper hand. There was nothing that could be done. She smacked the blade aside and this time it was Valarra that dropped her gaze to the ground.
“As your friend, I will now tell you this. We will continue on, Damion and I. Either live with that or turn that blade on yourself.”
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