I prided myself on having all the answers. On being able to figure out any situation and fix it right there on the spot. And then you.
There was no room for self doubt. I was confident in just about every move I made in life. And then you.
There was no second guessing, everything was a straight path in front of me. I had a handle on this thing called life. No tripping up, no stumbling about, I had everything calculated to the precise moment in time. And then you.
You make me unsure, you make me afraid. You make me forget about everything that I did yesterday. Nothing I ever was matters now that you are here. I feel like I'm starting over, but in what, I have absolutely no idea.
I look at those eyes staring back at me and I wonder to myself if I can do anything right any more. You have taken this tower of confidence and reduced it to nothing but frustrated and unsure rubble.
Ever since you came into my world, all I can do is worry. Will I get it right? How bad will I mess up? I have no answers, no pragmatic step by step guide. For the first time in a long time, I feel lost. And I don't like this feeling.
And then my wife looks at me and smiles while I hold you in my arms.
"You are going to make a great daddy."
For those of you who don't know, Karl Kerschl became a new father yesterday. That event is what spurred this little pseudo poem. I can only imagine what it must be like to have a small child now dependent on you. Exciting and scary at the same time.
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