Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More writing stuff.

My writing dialogue has gotten better since I started writing scripts. However, I am not sure if my script writing is decent or not. I should look at some sample scripts to see how it is done and then go from there. However, I really haven't had that much time on my hands. Something else to put on the to do list, I suppose. I am not even sure where to go to learn how to write a better script.

Another thing I am working on is character design. My sister is being really awesome and has decided that she wants to do some character sketches for me. However, I really don't know what type of look I am going for with any of the characters she wants to draw for me. It is like I have an image of them in my head, I just don't know how to convey that image to another person.

It is an odd process that I have in order to come up with how I want a character to look. First, I have to have their personality in mind. Like blonde or brunette decides a personality, but that is my process. And the only way to figure out a character's personality is to stick them in a situation and see how they react to it. So in order to tell my sister if they have facial hair or not, I have to make up mini stories for everyone. I know there has to be a better way to do this, but I have yet to figure out what it is.

I have been pretty busy since the holiday ended and things really ramped up around mid-January. I think I am going to take the morning off tomorrow and write some, then get back on the grind in the afternoon. Maybe I can finish out these character descriptions and have them sent off to my sister.

I have way too many writing projects going on right now. I need to find a way to pare them down. I feel like I never finish anything. (Aside from my comic review articles that have due dates). It makes me a little flustered that I have so many things going, good things, great ideas, just nothing ever gets done. And I can't seem to put them in any sort of priority. I want to do them all. And on top of that, writing is a hobby. My actual work demands just about all of my attention. And time management was never my strong suit.

Well, one thing at a time I suppose. Right now, I am going to go to bed, sleep in and then  get some writing done.

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