Friday, February 4, 2011

More WoW talk!!

So you would think that by now, I would at least have one character up to 85. But, no. I don't. I could blame the fact that I have little time to play video games right now. But that's not entirely true. The truth is I got tired of my mage and wanted to play something different. 

Unlike some, I did not have a long line of 80s to choose from in order level. I had a 80 mage and a 76 priest. Both of which I have had for a while. (I level very slowly). I got my mage to 83 and realized several things.

1. My server felt very empty. Most of the people that I used to play with aren't around and if they are, I haven't bumped into them. (That's kinda what happens when you take a year break from the game). So my game play didn't feel as fun, because there wasn't anyone to socialize with.

2. I'm a little tired of being a caster. I have had caster classes as my main ever since I started playing the game back in..'06? Somewhere around there. So while my mage is awesome, I wanted to do something different.

3. I am ready to make the move from Alliance to Horde. I have been an Alliance girl ever since I started the game. I am ready to change factions and see what the other side has to offer.

So, in a very rash move, I made several alts. A troll shaman, a blood elf hunter, and a undead warrior. They are all around level 9-11. However, I do believe the hunter is going to pull out ahead and be my next main. And for a few reasons. So far, I like the server I am on. I probably need to roam around it some more and get a better feel for it, but so far, I like it. I like having an animal companion. Though I am turning in that dragonhawk the moment I find something else that I like better. I am concerned though, because I hear a lot of people complaining about the way hunters play and I really don't want to be one of those huntards. Guess that means I need to go and learn about my new class.

I am still wandering about guildless, but that is of my own design. I don't want to join a guild and then not be around to be much of any use. I feel like that would be unfair to the guild who let me in. I hoping to be around the game more, even if it is just a 2 hour stint once a week or something. But until then, it will just be me and my hunter, running around, looking for random RP to jump into.

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