Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Penning a novel #1

Yeah, I know, it isn't November just yet. But I figured that I should write something about the preliminary process.

So instead of going full steam ahead with a single novel, I am going to be writing a collection of short children's stories. They are going to be very reminiscent of books like Magic School Bus and Bernstein Bears, because let's face it, those were some pretty great books growing up. But what came after those books? Did anything take their place? I figured why not try my hand at something like that.

Now children's books is a genre for me. I am much more immersed in fantasy/adventure writing more than anything. And I write drama with heavy doses more than I write sword duels and pistols at dawn. So this may prove to be very easy or more difficult that I thought.

So how to get to 50,000 words? Well I figured that if each story was 10k, I would have to write 5 stories and that would get my word limit. Right now I have brainstormed the cast and I want to play with some of the stereotypes, just a bit. Of course the main kids are going to be of different backgrounds. I want to shy away from names that have been overused when having someone of a certain ethnicity. (There will be no Juans in this book.) And I have decided to make the school teacher a guy. However, the principal will be a girl. (Yeah, not setting the world on fire with the whole gender role thing, but whatever).

I think the main concern is how I am going to introduce the main idea of each story. Something has to happen for the kids to want delve into the topic matter of each book. There are only so many homework assignments the teacher can give. Something to figure out between now and Nov 1.

Kick off party is next Monday. I am crazy excited!

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