Well let's start off with the fact that my mind has been totally blown by this con and I have a feeling that I might be coming back to this one even after I graduate and leave Nashville. So, Geek Media Expo was something that I just happened to find out about due to Jeph Jacques (creator and artist of Questionable Content) mentioning that he was going to be there. The fan girl in me shrieked with sheer delight and I was determined to get a picture and not trip over my own tongue when I met him.
Last night was the kick off and of course the first thing that catches my eye are the costumes. They were a hodge podge of everything, steam punk, anime, nerd chic, sci fi stuff, movies, Halloween stuff, just a glorious parade of interesting. (I am hoping to get a few pics of the Zombie Walk today.) First panel I went to was all about Magic:The Gathering. I was the only one in the room that hadn't played before. Everyone else seemed to be pro. But I finally know now how this whole game works now. I was totally mystified by it back in middle school. No one would explain to me what was going on. I find it weird how almost 15 years later, I am now in possession of two new decks of my own. (Green and white if anyone cares to know.)
Next panel was all about Steampunk and making costumes. It was kind of a loose panel, but still informative. I knew that steampunk was more that putting metallic looking things on yourself and slapping goggles on your head, but these guys took it to another level. Like I had no idea that there was an American style and a European style of steampunk. And I saw some great costumes. If I go next year, I am going to have to have myself a costume.
The last panel I was in was way over my head and I decided that I was going to head home and get some sleep. It was a discussion about the expanded universe of Star Wars. I read a few of the books they were talking about as a teen, but no where near as many as these guys had. I remember getting laughed at for reading those Star Wars books in high school and now fast foward 10+ years and I'm in a room full of people who read the books, watched the movies, and played the video games.
All in all, I am loving GMX. There was early morning cartoons today, but I decided to spend those three hours getting more sleep. Oh yeah, meeting Jeph Jacques. Can't believe I almost forgot to write about that.
So I have no idea why, but out of my element, I all of the sudden become extremely shy. (I know, unbelievable, right?) So I am basically having an inner debate on whether to go up to Jacques' table and say anything or not. So I decide, yes, go up there tonight because I might lose my nerve later. I'm standing in line and of course the guy in front of me, word for word, tells Jacques exactly what I want to say. "I love your work, I read it all the time, blah blah blah, I'm huge fan". Great, now what am I supposed to tell him?
To make a long story short, I told him I was a fan, listened to his Ustream, thanked him for introducing me to new forms of music, blah blah blah and then asked him for a picture. He seemed to relaxed and even keeled. I mean why wouldn't he be, GMX is nothing compared to SDCC or NEWW. But him being relaxed made me calm down and I was overjoyed when he said he would take a picture with me. Definitely was the highlight of the night.
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