I told myself that I would write something every day or at least every other day. But it seems like I slipped up this past week. I didn't have a whole lot happen, so I really couldn't think of anything to talk about. So after letting some things culminate, I think I have come up with something.
I had given up on the idea of ever play WoW again and then I accidentally stumbled onto "Choose My Adventure" over at WoW Insider. Just watching Robin Torres play her gnome priestess on the Cataclysm Beta made me long for the days when I was running around on my gnome. And it seems like Blizzard is making a lot of changes for the better. I started getting all these thoughts of starting from scratch and making new characters on new servers. However, I don't have time for that right now. I have so many other things to focus on and give my time over to. I did decide though, once I have graduated from medical school, I will be making my way back into that lovely time sink/money shredder of a game.
Something else that I had given up on was being able to participate in NaNoWriMo. I had just figured that I would never have time to write since I would be starting rotations this year. And from the sounds of it, this year is going to be more intense than my previous years. But after talking to my sister today, it would seem that I might be selling myself short. I am always writing, just not in a focused way where I am cranking out stories that have potential to be sold in book form. So if I just used the time I'm spending playing around with my writing and put it some good use, I could easily participate in NaNoWriMo. Just coming to that realization was so awesome. I do believe it made my week.
So I have several things to do today: Study, brainstorm ideas for November, and take a peek at the new trade that I just ordered "Blackest Night". And maybe if I have enough time, do some sketching. One day, I will post a few things that I'm proud of.
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