May marks the one year anniversary of when I last used a relaxer in my hair. I really thought I had my hair management down to science at this point. Nope! Not even close. My hair is showing me that I have absolutely no idea what is it is capable of doing and becoming. My hair has hit it's unruly teen years, where it has no idea what it is or what it wants to do in life. It just knows that it is different and it wants to shout that difference from the roof tops.
My ends are relaxed still, because I just can't bring myself to do the big chop. The roots have grown out beautifully; soft, wavy and healthy. But I don't know what to do with it. I haven't had this kind of texture in my hair since I was 13. This is the point where I am so tempted to put that creamy crack right back on there and forget I ever started this. To fight this urge, I am going to find a hairstyle that is works while my hair gets through this phase in it's life.

I was never the master of cornrows or braiding in general. I know how to do it, but they weren't the prettiest things one to look at. Recently I was introduced to the Flat Twist, the simpler cousin to the cornrow. The basic principle of between the two styles are the same. The only difference is instead of braiding three strands of hair, you twist two strands of hair. I don't know why that makes it easier, but it just does. Trust me.
It took me some practice with this hairstyle before I managed something that I was okay with wearing out in public. I watched several YouTube videos, Googled tons of images and read so many articles, I felt like I knew everything there was to know. I keep my twisting routine simple. I brush my edges and put aloe vera gel on them to tame some of the unruliness. I divide my hair into sections and decide what pattern I'm going to twist my hair in. I part with a rat tail comb (because it makes the parts cleaner) and add hair lotion to my hair before I start twisting.
While this style is a bit more frustrating to do, I think it is worth it. Once you get the basics down, you can be as creative or as simplistic as you want. And personally, I like styles that are versatile. Is flat twists something you have done before or have wanted to try? Any hairstyles you have wanted to do yourself, but got frustrated with? Keep practicing and one day you might surprise yourself.
Utensils clicked on plates as lively conversation filled the dining hall. That table were Cixi was seated was no different. However, Cixi really didn’t have much to say or add to the conversations being had. She wondered if this was what it was like to be the Seneschal or someone who had the last name, Silvacce. Blathering on about things which were only important to those seated around the table. Cixi believed it all rather dull, to say the least. So, she sat quietly and chewed her food as those around her battled with words and wit.
“So tell me, Young Lady Cixithara, how do you spend your day?”
Cixi snapped her eyes up and over to the woman who had addressed her, being painfully obvious that she had not been paying one bit of attention to the rambling that had been going on since she had sat down. Even with the smile on the woman’s lips, Cixi could tell that the question wasn’t really one of curiosity so much as it was for malevolent intent.
“I am under the employ of House Silvacce,” Cixi answered simply.
From the reaction of the table, the answer had been unexpected. Maybe they had wanted her to say something like she swung from tree branches all day and slept with dragonhawks. Or that she rolled around in mud pits. A part of Cixi had a small bit of satisfaction that she had shocked them.
“Ah, House Silvacce,” the woman continued, that viper-like look still in her eye, “I have some familiarity with that name. Tell me, what does someone of your upbringing offer to a House such as them?”
“What do you mean by that question?” Cixi asked, eyes narrowing.
“Even though we are not known to you, that does not mean you are not known to us,” the woman quipped haughtily, “ It was quite the gossip when your mother ran off to live in that little village with those people. I wouldn’t have expected anyone from there to been able to find any place among any house that has such a renowned name. Unless you clean out their stables, of course.”
Cixi could feel her ears burning again. But this time it was not embarrassment. She hadn't realized that she gripping her knife as tightly as she was until she felt a hand lightly rest on her wrist.
“You are quite bold, Millicent. You would dare open your mouth and insult a guest at my table?”
Cixi hadn’t noticed that Lord Jaias was paying attention to this side conversation. Though his voice was calm and serenely placid, a commanding quality laced around his words. His eyes slowly slid effortlessly over to the woman who Cixi had been speaking with.
“It would be best if you remembered your place while in my house. I hope that I do not have to repeat myself after this.”
Part 4
One of the many things that Alara didn’t miss was –this- part of her past life. She watched as the parade of fine tailoring and haughty countenances clacked their way over polished floors to their seats in the dining hall. Burning eyes and smoldering glances were tossed her way. The prodigal child of a former Head, the sister of the newly appointed head; jealously still flowed freely from those visages. Alara was still envied. And no measure was taken to ensure this jealousy was hidden from her. However, with a gracious nod and an even more gracious smile, Alara greeted every single person who looked her in the face. Just as she had been taught to do all those years ago. No matter what was going on, she was still to act in a way befitting a lady of her status. Her mind wasn’t on her covetous family members anyway.
She looked for one person, her daughter. It had not taken long for Cixi’s name to be on the lips of everyone there. Her powder white hair set her aside from all the crimson colored tresses of the Ebonlynx House. She had no magical prowess, had not studied any magic in any fashion, had no knowledge of the Ebonlynx family or their maneuverings. Her attempts at friendly conversation had been met with snide comments and mockery. The poor girl had been thrown into a pit of snakes.
Alara watched as she daughter had simply given up on introducing herself. She simply sat next to Alara quietly, watching everything else that was going on. Cixi refrained from asking questions, seeing how most of her inquiries were met with degrading snickers and, at times, boisterous guffaws. The first few times, Cixi had worn her feelings on her sleeves, feeding the fires of those who enjoyed seeing the outsider falter. Now, there was no reaction, just a short curtsy and a muttered greeting. Alara could not wait until this whole affair was over and she could take her daughter home.
Cixi was one of the last to finally make her way into the dining hall. The handmaidens had tried their best to lightened her sunbronzed skin and curl that cornsilk mane of hair that had only known ponytails and the occasional braid. Alara caught her daughter’s eye as she walked in. Cixi looked nervous.
“Ah, Cixithara, you do look quite stunning this evening.”
Alara felt her stomach starting to twist in knots as her brother approached Cixi. He placed his hands on both of her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Alara’s jaw tensed, teeth pressing down onto each other.
“Thank you, Lord Jaias,” Cixi replied in a low voice. Cixi was not sure how to address him. On one hand, he was her uncle. But on the other, he was a very important person in this House. A house that she was not entirely sure if she fit into or not.
“I hope that one day you will be comfortable enough to address me with a much less formal title. However, until then, please, come and sit.”
Cixi followed behind her uncle, feeling the crowd of turning heads that were all aimed in her direction. Lord Jaias pulled a chair out for his niece. She tried not to take notice of the multitude of eyes that were burning holes through her as she took her place at the table. She could feel herself getting warm and no doubt, the edges of her ears were turning pink. There was nothing but silence. Silence and staring. However, with a single, Lord Jaias sat down and waved his hand. Like magic, time had started again and the silence disappeared.
Part 3
I am not sure if you guys know about this well kept secret of a show that started in the UK. Some guy is a Timelord from the planet, Gallifrey. He runs around in a police box and regenerates with a new face every few years. The show cleverly named Doctor Who. I know, I know, pretty obscure.
I had known about Doctor Who for a while before I decided to see what it was actually all about. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to be into it. The original show started before I was born. I thought there was going to be so much to catch up on. And that would simply be too much back story for me to handle. So what tipped the scales for me? A Trock (Timelord rock) band by the name of Chameleon Circuit. Their first album was quite enjoyable. Then I wondered how much more of the music would I understand if I actually watched the show.

I started with the 2005 episodes. It did not take long before I was all in. It was a fun show that I couldn't quite categorize. Eccleston was my first Doctor and Tennant will probably always be my favorite doctor. I was more than ecstatic when The Day of the Doctor came, posting the trailers to every social media outlet that I had access to. I watch every week that it comes on. I love the Christmas specials. I even tried Jammie Dodgers because Matt Smith had one in an episode. I have excited about other television shows before, but I must say that Doctor Who is the first show where I took it a bit further.

The first purchase I made of something that had to do with the show was a print done by Lar DeSouza. It is all the regenerations of Doctor Who up to the 11th Doctor as bunnies! You were able to buy each bunny separately, but I opted to get the print with all the bunnies together. I like how it starts in black and white and slowly comes into color. The second thing I got, was the Chameleon Circuit cd, which is pictured above. I even have an iPhone cover that looks likes the Tardis, which my sister gave me as Christmas present.
My latest purchase was this t-shirt from Teefury. I saw it and automatically knew that I had to have it. I think the best comment I have gotten while wearing this shirt was at the airport. One of the TSA guys said "Oh, so you're a 10, huh? I'm more of a (insert number here, because I forgot) guy, myself." I looked at him a little confused and then noticed he was staring at my shirt. I smiled really big after that. A kindred spirit!
This last one was actually a present to me from one of my best friends. She surprised me at PAX East and then handed me this cookie jar. I was so excited, that I nearly shook it to pieces. The light on top actually works. And when you press it, or open the lid, it makes the Tardis noise!
I don't know if having all these things and having a deep love for the show makes me a Whovian or not. I can't quote anything and small minutia of the show tends to leave my brain after a while. I don't get into long debates or discuss the history of the show. I simply enjoy it. And I want a sonic screwdriver.
This story starts with The Nightfall Saga: The House Gathers.
Cixi had tamed wild mountain cats that were less aggressive than this pack of women who proceeded to "attack" her every single day. Combs, brushes, powder and lipstick were among their weapons of choice. Shoes that no one in their right mind should have on their feet, and dresses that were impossible to clasp together unless you folded your ribcage in on itself, all flooded through the doors of Cixi’s room every single day. All of this, just so she could masquerade around with these people she barely knew. They were somehow important and because of this, Cixi had to undergo this torture every morning. As Cixi’s handmaidens dressed her like an inanimate play thing, there came a knock at the door.
“Lady Cixithara, your presence is being requested,” a voice said through the door.
“She will be out shortly,” was the reply.
That was the way things worked here. Cixi hadn’t spoken for herself since the moment she was first hauled away and painted up like a life sized porcelain doll. At least not to any of the servants. Her hand maidens talked for her. She had also noticed that not a one of them would lookher fully in the eye. She was followed around all day long by a man in brown robes. In fact, it was him who was talking through the door now. She had gathered his name to be Matthias.
With a final hair pin and the last tug on her bodice, Cixi was ushered out of her room. Matthias bowed his head as she walked out in front of him.
“Lord Jaias has requested that you sit with him at his table tonight.”
Cixi stiffened upon the mention of her uncle's name. Though unspoken, Cixi knew that her mother was not going to take it very well when she saw Cixi sitting with Lord Jaias. Ever since they had arrived, there had been an unspoken tension between her mother and her newfound uncle. They had been civil to each other in public. But those cold stares let everyone know that it was all a charade, right down to every bow and curtsey. Of course, from the whispering going on, it was what everyone had expected from the two of them the moment that Lady Alara had arrived.
“With him?” Cixi stammered, “I’m sure that there are others who he would rather have sitting there. Someone that is more important?”
“Lord Jaias made his request quite clear. Would you like for me to tell him that you are declining his request?”
Cixi looked at the top of the reddish blonde head that was bowed before her. She sighed and shook her head. It could not be helped. Her mother would just have to be upset.
“No. Let him know I will sit with him at dinner tonight.”
“He will be pleased to hear this.”
Part 2