I had known about Doctor Who for a while before I decided to see what it was actually all about. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to be into it. The original show started before I was born. I thought there was going to be so much to catch up on. And that would simply be too much back story for me to handle. So what tipped the scales for me? A Trock (Timelord rock) band by the name of Chameleon Circuit. Their first album was quite enjoyable. Then I wondered how much more of the music would I understand if I actually watched the show.
I started with the 2005 episodes. It did not take long before I was all in. It was a fun show that I couldn't quite categorize. Eccleston was my first Doctor and Tennant will probably always be my favorite doctor. I was more than ecstatic when The Day of the Doctor came, posting the trailers to every social media outlet that I had access to. I watch every week that it comes on. I love the Christmas specials. I even tried Jammie Dodgers because Matt Smith had one in an episode. I have excited about other television shows before, but I must say that Doctor Who is the first show where I took it a bit further.
The first purchase I made of something that had to do with the show was a print done by Lar DeSouza. It is all the regenerations of Doctor Who up to the 11th Doctor as bunnies! You were able to buy each bunny separately, but I opted to get the print with all the bunnies together. I like how it starts in black and white and slowly comes into color. The second thing I got, was the Chameleon Circuit cd, which is pictured above. I even have an iPhone cover that looks likes the Tardis, which my sister gave me as Christmas present.
My latest purchase was this t-shirt from Teefury. I saw it and automatically knew that I had to have it. I think the best comment I have gotten while wearing this shirt was at the airport. One of the TSA guys said "Oh, so you're a 10, huh? I'm more of a (insert number here, because I forgot) guy, myself." I looked at him a little confused and then noticed he was staring at my shirt. I smiled really big after that. A kindred spirit!
This last one was actually a present to me from one of my best friends. She surprised me at PAX East and then handed me this cookie jar. I was so excited, that I nearly shook it to pieces. The light on top actually works. And when you press it, or open the lid, it makes the Tardis noise!
I don't know if having all these things and having a deep love for the show makes me a Whovian or not. I can't quote anything and small minutia of the show tends to leave my brain after a while. I don't get into long debates or discuss the history of the show. I simply enjoy it. And I want a sonic screwdriver.
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