Well, I have done a terrible job with trying to post this month. I blame my rotation from having evil hours. So far, I have decided that Obstetrics and Gynecology is not my calling in life. I can strike that from the list with ease. However, it has peeked my interest in Women's Health. I have always had a glimmer of an interest in that section of medicine. I really can't tell you why. Maybe because it hits close to home.
So here is some awesome news that has nothing to do with medicine. As I do every month, I wrote a Click Here For Comics article featuring the webcomic, EverBlue. Normally, I don't do this, but this time after I posted the article, I sent the link and short email to Michael Sexton (Blue-Ten) who is the creator. Well wouldn't you know it, he put the link on his site. Over night, the views more than tripled. I have never had as many views in one week on my article, ever. I have put out 16 articles and have only contacted a smattering of the creators. Sexton was the only one who actually linked my work. He did not have to do it. In fact, I wasn't expecting any type of response at all. I am still over the moon about it happening. Makes me a bit validated with what I do.
A month and a half to NaNoWriMo and I feel totally unprepared. I've got nothing this year. Going into it totally blind this year. Don't even know if I can make it to the midnight party, if there is one. I think I have an idea of what I want to write about, but I don't have a plot or anything. Just an idea for a character. I suppose I will see just how far that will carry me. And yes, if I can find the time, there will be blogs about how well (or not so well) things are going.
GMX is a month away. It is right at the end of my rotation too. I should probably go ahead and buy my ticket now. I wish I had someone to go with though. I mean, it was cool and all, but I feel like it would be more fun if I had someone to hang out with. But, I don't believe that I have any RL friends who are into that kind of thing. I won't be going in any type of costume this year, which I am fine with. However, I do want to be more interactive with what's going on. I want to make a few vids and put together a photo album. So, no more hanging around in corners and things of that nature this year.
One more thing before I wrap up, I just joined up with a DA art group called World of Warchicks. Don't know what possessed me. I had been wanting to draw several WoW centric things, but always put it off. I figured joining this group would give me incentive to draw and finally do these projects that are in my head. They take all levels of artistic ability, so that made me feel better. While I'm improving quite a bit, I still have a ways to go before I deem myself any good. And the only way to get better is to draw more.
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