Not quite sure why I always feel the need to draw something difficult. I don't see why I can't just sketch something simple. So last night, I tried to something that was just that. Simple and easy to do. I decided to draw a goomba. Ah yes, that brings back memories, doesn't it? Jumping on those little fanged mushrooms that must have hated their lives, seeing how much they were scowling all the time. It was quick, it was fun and it wasn't something that made me throw my pencils at walls. (Which I tend to do from time to time).
I recently went out and bought some ink and brushes. Not quite sure when I am going to get around to inking like that, but I am hoping that it is in the near future. I heard something from the webcartoonist, Spike (Templar, Az) that made a lot of sense to me. She is now doing ink washes for her strip and she basically said that she was prepared to mess up what she had drawn with her ink wash. I suppose my problem is that I hate messing up. But to expect perfection when I'm new at it, is sort of ridiculous. I should probably just make little sketches and play around with the inks. If I mess up, so what? If I do well, I can celebrate.
Still playing around in Photoshop. There are several things that I want to learn, like masks and stuff like that. I had been using Dodge and Burn for shading and highlights, but I heard that masks were much better. Problem is, I don't know how to make or use them, though I can see how they work much better.
Another frustration I am having is that I can't draw the same face twice and that is really getting to me. I want to put some drawings together for a small project that I am doing over at Unsung Heroes. But it sort of hinges on me being able to draw the same person over and over again with different facial expressions and at different angles. I seem to be incapable of doing this. No two faces I draw are ever the same and that bugs the heck out of me. And I have no idea how to fix it.
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