Thursday, January 6, 2011

This was supposed to be easy

So late summer, I thought I had come up with a pretty easy yet really awesome idea. I was going to do a podcast of my own. I didn't think it was going to be that hard. Plus, my co-host was going to be my sister. I mean, we have crazy chemistry just naturally. What could possibly be difficult about it. And it was going to be on a topic that we discussed all the time anyway. I thought that it was going to be just like recording our telephone conversations and let the rest of the world listen in. Nope, couldn't have been any more wrong.

The actual tech part and the editing was what I thought was going to be the most time consuming. I was very wrong. The most time consuming is actually get set up for the recording. I have no idea why I thought my sister and I could just hit record and we would just wing it. That recording was fail before it got good and started. 

So a project that I thought was going to be a very uncomplicated part of my life, turned into being just the opposite. I have to do research, make an outline for the show, plan things that fit into mine and my sister's schedule...and the list goes on. No one told me all this had to happen before I started doing this.

However, despite all of that, I still want to continue doing it. Now that my eyes have been opened a bit and see all the work that goes into making a podcast halfway decent, I have decided to bite the bullet and just go with it. How long can I keep this up and running? Not entirely sure. I might have to expand the topics my sister and I talk about sooner or later. But I will cross that bridge when I get there.

For those interested, our first podcast can be heard here:,2137.msg60067.html#msg60067

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