Sunday, November 14, 2010

Penning a Novel #6

Today is the halfway mark (well technically tomorrow, but my region is having the party today). So what have I gotten done up to this point? Well I have written out 5 stories so far. 4 of them are fully done and 1 I started last night at the Comix City Too write in. Let's talk about that write in, shall we?

First off, I twas very very productive for me. At the end of the night I was able to write over 3,000 words. So that made my very happy. Secondly, let's talk about the actual store. Oh, I feel like I have found my nerd center hang out spot. The comic shop I have ever been in was when I was in high school and that place had a cave sort of feeling. Not the most well lit and welcoming of places. This place was quite the opposite. It had the feel of a small private owned book store. But instead of rows and rows of books, it was rows and rows of comics.

Off to the side of the store was a sort of gaming area. It was simply long white tables with folding chairs, but from what I heard, it gets packed in there some nights. Last night, they were running a D&D campaign. I couldn't really tell what the campaign was about exactly, but all the maps, miniatures and dice made me remember the days when I used to do that with my Saturday nights. It also made me wonder if I would ever join a game again.

I heard that the night with the most activity is Friday night where they play their Magic games. Again a nerd tingle went down my spine. I have yet to open the decks that I was given at GMX. 

So yes, back to the actual writing. The way they did Word Wars was really interesting. You had to pick a certain colored popsicle stick from the Box of Doom and then write the amount of words that were on the stick. It was pretty interesting. I won my first word war, missed the second by 97 words, and the last one was a complete wash. I liked the fact that you had a word war against yourself and not against the other people sitting around the table.

The write in was really good fun and sharing the space with the D&D guys was an added bonus. In fact, I think I recognized one of them from GMX. The shop owner was really nice and let us stay there way past close. I'm sure he would have let us stay until the wee hours of the night (that D&D game didn't look like it was anywhere near over), but around 10, we decided it was time to pack up, head home and call it a day.

I liked being there with the others. I liked the way their minds worked. If I had more to time, I would have loved to hang out with them and picked their brains a bit more. For some reason, I always thing that the stories that I am writing are off beat or is not as exciting as what others are doing. Therefore no one would take interest in them. But the fact that these guys had an immediate answer to my "What type of ice cream do you think would be a little kid's favorite?" question with something that was really awesome, made me feel better somehow. 

I do not know if I am heading out to the Halfway done party today, but I do feel very re-energized and still striving to hit 50k by the end of the month.

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