Thursday, September 16, 2010

Comic books and anime!

So I finally sat down and read Kill Shakespeare #3 today and it was just oh so good! I absolutely love the writing in this book. I especially love the exchanges with Lady MacBeth. I am not entirely sure what makes me like that character. Maybe it is because she is a strong female character and I can almost see the wheels turning in her head. And the way she is drawn just depicts so much attitude. I like her.

Unfortunately, I did not request Kill Shakespeare #2 for my Comic Pull list in time, so there is a gap in my reading. I am not sure why book 3 starts with Hamlet in a forest or why he is throwing up on some fat man. But it doesn't really matter. I was just as immersed in the story as I was when I first opened book 1. I have Kill Shakespeare #4 sitting here, waiting to be read, but I'm saving it. I feel like a kid who has been giving a whole box full of candy and I don't want to eat it all at once.

Stayed up to wee hours of the morning watching Fairy Tail, an anime that zoomed straight to the top of my awesome list. This is probably the first anime where I want to go out and buy the manga. Just like books are better than movies, I have a feeling that the Fairy Tail manga is better than the anime, and the anime rocks! At least it does in my opinion.

I am really not one who thinks that one anime is like another, but this one feels a little like Naruto (Natsu vs. Grey) and a little like One Piece. But that is fine by me, because I like Naruto and I like One Piece. And of course because I am so girly, I absolutely love Happy, Natsu's flying cat. He is so super cute.

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